Gray Aegis
The following trick can be used to get The Gray Aegis from the Arena combatant. Let him break his sword on you so he puts away his sword and shield. Then kill him and revive him with the Staff Of Worms. Duplicate him with the Skull Of Corruption. Kill the clone. Line the clone's dead body up so you can access his inventory and quickly save. Load the saved game and repeatedly tap 'Open' until the clones inventory becomes available.
Easy Blade Experience
The following trick can be used to master your Blade Skill quickly. Go to the Imperial Waterfront then go directly south from there. You will then eventually find a place called Faregyl Inn. Once inside, talk to Alix Lencolia and he will master your Blade Skill. You will need at least 9,000 Gold (you do not have to do it all at once).
Defeating Dread Zombies Easily
Use a weapon enchanted with some sort of Fire attack, such as the Longsword Of The Blaze or the Fire Blade. When you have this the Dread Zombies will die within three hits.
See Through Walls
When you have the Magic Staff reduce it's status to zero. Then attack a wall and you will be able to see whats on the other side.
Unlockable Achievements
Complete each achievement to get the corresponding Gamerscore.
Unlock 'Apprentice', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Apprentice rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Apprentice', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Apprentice rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Assassin', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Associate', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Join the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Associate', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Join the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Bandit', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Bandit rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Bloodletter', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Bloodletter rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Brawler', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Brawler rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Cat Burglar', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Cat Burglar rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Champion', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Champion rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Champion', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Champion rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Conjurer', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Conjurer rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Defender', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Defender rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Eliminator', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Eliminator rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Evoker', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Evoker rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Footpad', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Footpad rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Gladiator', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Gladiator rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Guardian', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Guardian rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Hero', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Hero rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Journeyman', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Journeyman rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Journeyman', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Journeyman rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Magician', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Magician rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Master Thief', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Master Thief rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Master-Wizard', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Master-Wizard rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Murderer', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Join the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Myrmidon', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Myrmidon rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Pickpocket', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Join the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Pit Dog', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Join the Arena in the Imperial City.
Unlock 'Protector', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Protector rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Prowler', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Prowler rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Shadowfoot', Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Shadowfoot rank in the Thieves Guild.
Unlock 'Silencer', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Silencer rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Slayer', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Slayer rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Speaker', Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Speaker rank in the Dark Brotherhood.
Unlock 'Swordsman', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Swordsman rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Warder', Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Warder rank in the Fighters Guild.
Unlock 'Warlock', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Warlock rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Warrior', Arena - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Warrior rank in the Arena.
Unlock 'Wizard', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 10:
Reach Wizard rank in the Mages Guild.
Unlock 'Arch-Mage', Mages Guild - Gamerscore 50:
Complete the Mages Guild Questline.
Close an 'Oblivion Gate' - Gamerscore 50:
Close an Oblivion Gate, Main Quest.
Deliver 'Daedric Artifact' - Gamerscore 50:
Deliver Daedric Artifact, Main Quest.
Destroy 'The Great Gate' - Gamerscore 50:
Destroy The Great Gate, Main Quest.
Escape the 'Imperial Sewers' - Gamerscore 50:
Escape the Imperial Sewers, Main Quest Beginning.
Grand Champion, Arena - Gamerscore 50:
Complete the Arena Questline.
Guildmaster, Thieves Guild - Gamerscore 50:
Complete the Thieves Guild Questline.
Listener, Dark Brotherhood - Gamerscore 50:
Complete the Dark Brotherhood Questline.
Locate the 'Shrine of Dagon' - Gamerscore 50:
Locate the Shrine of Dagon, Main Quest.
Master, Fighters Guild - Gamerscore 50:
Complete the Fighters Guild Questline.
Champion of Cyrodiil - Gamerscore 110:
Complete the Main Questline.
Duplicating much easier
Okay I have read everyones cheat on how to duplicate and for me I can't get it to work, so here is an much easier and simple way.Don't use bow and arrows!!
There are 2 different and easier ways to do this.
1) Equip your fists or a weapon, not the bow.
Now you must do this quick.
Hit (are) trigger and during mid swing hit (B) to open inventory.
Once inventory is open, equip arrows...NOTE: you must have at least 10 arrows or more,.
Equip arrows if not already equipped if not hit (A) twice and you will read the following message..."You can't change weapons while attacking", than hit (X) to drop item and exit inventory.
With this cheat, you can duplicate potions, spells, jewelery and soul gems just not quest items.
Works really good for repair hammers to but be warned, WATCH YOUR WEIGHT.
The second easy way is to use scrolls, don't matter which one any will do.
All you have to have is ore than 2 of the same scroll.
Open inventory and select scroll and hit (A) twice and drop, (X), the item you want to duplicate and exit inventory.
Warning...Do not use more than 40 scrolls to duplicate arrows cause you will be wondering around like a homeless person looking for what you dropped.
Unlimited Lockpicks
Step 1 kill an innocent person
Step 2 sleep
Step 3 accept to join the dark brotherhood
Step 4 go to the Inn Of Ill Omen and kill rufio trap door on the floor to the left as soon as you enter
Step 5 draw out most powerfull weapon
Step 6 after speaking to Lucien LaChance attack him before he disappears
Step 7 even if he is invisible keep attcking him until he becomes unconcious
Step 8 go into sneak mode until he wakes up
Step 9 just as he is getting up quickly pickpocket him
Step 10 place all you lockpicks in his invetory and switch to his, keep clicking take then replace them back in his so you can take more at once (don't take all!! And don't go over 99-)
You wont have a bounty when your done and you will always have lockpicks for the whole game! Happy lockpicking :D!!
How to find the Dragon Sword with Cool Spell!
You first will need to find a castle called "Battle Horn Castle" (I am not sure if it requires DLC, but I have shivering isles..) After you reached Battle Horn Castle, go to the training room, where the orc is.. Then inside the training room, there is a shooting area to shoot your bows, go in that room, and go behind the target that you shoot at.. Then use a light spell or Night eye, then you will see a candle, activate the candle behind the target, and a door in the wall will open, go inside, go in the door, and then there will be a skeleton thats powerful, and some type of mage with him aswell.. Kill them both and pick up the sword that the skeleton has, It is called "Dragon Sword" once you equipt it, it will give you a sword called "Dragon Breath". Its a two hit kill! And if you kill someone at the water front, YOU WILL GET AWAY WITH IT!Helmet of Fin Gleam
I know others may have submited this but this is more detailed.First travel to anvil (far west of the world map) and west on the coast you'll find an island . Around the middle of it you'll find a rock . From there look around West-ish, out to sea . Walk forward and swim down into the bottom and follow the ground until you reach a skeleton . The helmet is there. Its powers are night vision, water breathing and detect life 20 ft.
Making Objects Not Stolen
If you steal an object, but do not want the item to appear stolen as you do not want the guards to confiscate it, then simply sell the item to a fence then buy it back. Although costing a bit of money (dependant on item and mercantile skill) it can save you the trouble of getting the item confiscated and then trying to find it again.
Easy way to Pickpocket
When an essential NPC is knocked unconscious, the second he starts to stand up again you can pickpocket him and no matter how low your sneak skill is, you will successfully pickpocket your target.
Duplicate items
All you need for this is multipule magic scrolls and a item that you want more of. First press A on the scroll that you have more then one of. Second drop the item you wish to duplicate. Note: dose not work on some items, items that are currently equiped, or any wepons or armor that has been damaged or enhanced by high armor skill, any magic wepons that dosen't have a full charge, or quest items that it wont let you drop. Dont duplicate any item that quanity is one if the number of scrolls is more then 150 might slow or freeze you game if you do so.
Another dupe cheat for after patch
As you all know you can use a bow and arrows to dupe items. Well not after the patch you cant. But! I have discovered another way!(not taking full credit may be elsewere. Not sure.) After the patch to dupe an item all you need are scrolls. If you have 2 of one type of scroll and 1 of another type all you have to do is double click the one you have 2 of then drop the single scroll. doing so will cause the single scroll to become 2 copies. pick up one of them and do this again. then you will have 4 scrolls of that type and still two of the first one. copy the two scrolls with the four and then vise versa. do that till you have atleast 25 or so scrolls or desired amount. then double click one type of scroll and drop item you wish you be duped. item should then multiply just like with bow. ps. after you get all the scrolls you need you can just drop the other kind you have less of you only need one kind of scroll. I also found out that you can just buy a bunch of scrolls and use them. Hope this helps.The Helmet of Fin-Gleam
What you do is go to the island just off of the coast near Anvil. You get onto that island and the jump in the water.Line yourself up with the rock on the island and dive. [b][/b] [i][/i] WARNING! YOU MAY NEED A WATER BREATHING SPELL! Go down to the bottom and you will find a skeleton with a glass helmet called Fin Gleam.It is enchanted with water breathing, night eye, and something else (!it's a surprise!)How to increase your handtohand, blade, blunt, or sneak
You MUST be on xbox live to do this
first you must download the vile lair, then buy the prisoner from some dude on the stairs in the inn to the west of the imperial city. After that go to the prisoner and attack him with anything or sneak near him
How to keep Hyromir's Staff
First you MUST beat the mages' guild story line, then enter the theives guild. Go to the part where you steal Hyromir's Staff, then after you beat the quest go to the Arcane University and take the staff.unlimited attributes
you will nneed a filled grand soul gem at a grand level ,and any form of ring . to do this glitch/cheat you will need to be a member of the arcane university. once you fast travel to the arcane university enter the house with enchantment alters and enchant your ring with a fortify attribute after this duplicate the ring you have made and pick up both of them. equipe (sorry for spelling ) one of them and drop the one you are not wearing and both will drop you will have none of the rings but you will have its enchantment forever . you can do this as many times as you like but not with the same ring
Higher level, better loot
As you progress through the game and level up, you'll notice better loot starts to drop. Better loot like weapons, armour and enchantment effects on weapons and armour is also enhanced. The better the enhancement the more the item is worth too.
How to reach highest level possible
When creating your class and selecting your skills etc at the beginning,do this. if you are going to be a warrior select the mage, and skills that your race ISNT good at, that way it will start at a lower level, meaning you can get an extra few level ups when leveling your character.
Secret chest in tutorial
During the escape at the start of the game, there is a chest hidden in the room with a big light in the middle, 3 - 4 rats, a rusty iron helm, and lots of wood and vegetables. As soon as you enter this room take a left, may look like a dead end but if you look at the wall there are a few bricks missing and if you look where they used to be (under the wall) there is a chest with an Average lock difficulty. The chest contains a few lockpicks, torches and 20 gold.Word of Advice: I recommend saving before any attempts are made, especially if your not very good at lockpicking.