Unlock Rectifier Disc Arena
To unlock the Rectifier Disc Arena, enter: Endofline
Note, it is case-sensitive.
The Best Site That Will Show You About Cheats & Code For All The Game In The World And Make Your Game Easy As Cake. Enjoy!!!
To unlock the Rectifier Disc Arena, enter: Endofline
Note, it is case-sensitive.
Collect all ten collectible (cheat will make some races without any prize money)
After you beat the LA Street King, Karol will call you and offer you a partnership with Him. His asking price is 1 Million Dollars. Do what you have to to make a million dollars, and don't forget you can sell your car's too. After you have a Million Dollars in your Bank, Karol will contact you again. Give Him the Million Dollars. When you go back to your Garage, All Car's and All Upgrades can be purchased for ZERO Dollars. Even Car's that haven't been unlocked yet can also be purchased.
To drive with your doors open, go to the garage. Select the car that you want to drive with the doors open. Go to "customize car. " Then, go to "Interior/Exterior. " Go to "Side" and select "Doors. " Go to "Scissor Doors, " but do not select it. When it shows your car with the doors open, quickly press circle, x, circle. The doors will stay open. Now you can exit the garage and drive around with the doors open. When you want to close the doors, do the same thing but only press circle.
Get a motorcycle with perfect handling like a Kawasaki Ninja. When you get that, do some valley races. Notice that you won't have to stop. If you have a car, you have to stop but with a bike you can turn easily or to make it easier use weight transfer (Thats the Circle button) after you use weight transfer you don't need to stop your bike while in the Valley.
An easier way to lose the cops while they are chasing you is when they are right behind you just use the handbrake and make a u-turn. If you keep doing that they will take longer to turn around so you can get away. If that doesn't work go on a freeway, and if they are right behind you act like you are getting off the freeway then at the last second turn and stay on. They will get of the freeway and you can escape.
While in the garage go to "Vehicle Showroom" then go to any car or motorcycle even the ones that are locked, and press "Square" and you will be able to test drive the car. There won't be any cops at all to stop you from doing anything illegal and you can't damage/damage out your car at all. No cops makes it nice if you just wanna cruise around to find the Yellow Barrels with the R symbol on them but the only thing is you can't customize the vehicle or race anyone since you are just test driving it and not having purchased or unlocked it yet. Square.
You have to go online or go park in his drive way for about five to fifteen seconds then turn off your system and turn it back off (make sure to save first)then get back on and go and it should allow you to talk to you. If it doesn't work sit there longer and then repeat again.
Front Bumpers Do 9 races with a specific vehicle class.
Skirts Do 9 races with a specific vehicle class.
Rear Bumpers Do 18 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Spoilers or Motorcycle Tails Do 18 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Stereos or Motorcycle Tanks Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Front Seats Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Steering Wheels Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Post Gauges Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Taillights Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Headlights or Motorcycle Bowls Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Hoods Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Blowers Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Exhausts Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Intercoolers Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Widebody Kits Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
No Police
Unlock "No Police" by finding 50 Collectibles.
There are two ways Captain America: Super Soldier can be judged; we can either see it as an above-average movie tie-in, or a mediocre action/adventure game. In either case, what you'll inevitably find during your playthrough is recycled gameplay (with most liberties taken from Batman: Arkham Asylum), a less-than-stellar detailed environment, a story sure to put you to sleep, and bosses that just don't live up to their grandiose titles. But all is not bad, since the combat is satisfying to the end, and collecting precious artifacts is a fun way to explore and unlock extras, despite their rather odd placements.
If you end up watching the movie before you play the game, I'll save you the shock of finding out just how loosely related the two plotlines are. Sure, the timelines are the same, the HYDRA are the fodder thrown at you, and Red Skull is present, but that's where it ends. The Cap's globetrotting exploits in the movie are condensed into a single location in the game.
After a brief prologue in France's trenches, you'll skydive into a large castle complex under the control of Dr. Arnim Zola and his hoard of genetically enhanced HYDRA soldiers. You'll then spend your day taking down anti-aircraft cannons, destroying radio towers, getting captured (and of course breaking free), saving your fellow soldiers, and chasing down the nefarious head honchos. It's all very predictable, but I assume this was the intent of developer Next Level Games. After all, the patriotic endeavors of our shield-bearing hero, and epic World War II success stories in general, have always been about building up to a climactic victory rather than keeping you scratching your head until the very end. And quite frankly, how many Marvel films have you watched and said, "I didn't see that one coming," without a hint of sarcasm?
Should your mind drift off during the objective sequence, the Cap can always throw up his Tactical Vision, which turns the screen monochromatic and highlights the usable environments. Also highlighted are any collectibles in the vicinity. You'll find ceramic eggs, steins, and other trinkets scattered throughout the castle, which unlock various extras such diary entries and concept art. Collecting film reels will reveal video clips of Dr. Zola's progressive research into the human genome. For more of an in-game impact, piles of dossiers are strewn about on tables and beds, but also in odd places like a prison cell and underneath vehicles. These files award you with Intel Points, a currency used to purchase new combat abilities. Aside from their peculiar locations, the thought of our patriotic hero swiping precious artifacts seems rather uncharacteristic, but from a gaming aspect, it's still a nice diversion after you've knocked out the current wave of bad guys.
But perhaps you'll want to just rush to the next set of gun-and-Taser-toting HYDRA goons, and that's okay, because the combat system is well put together and endlessly enjoyable. If you've recently played Batman: Arkham Asylum, you'll definitely find the combat familiar. It's a good formula, especially for a superhero who relies on melee attacks. The controls are easy enough, with one button to attack, one to grab, one to dodge, and one to counter. The trigger buttons handle your shield, both for blocking and throwing. As more enemies circle around you, your strikes and dodges look more like a dance, as you gracefully roll over their backs and perform jumping roundhouse kicks. You'll receive an indicator when an enemy is about to attack, as well as slow motion impacts, both of which help you coordinate your next strike.
Once mastered, the combat poses little challenge, even with over a dozen enemies surrounding you and more trying to snipe you down. It never grows tiring though, thanks to cinematic close-ups and a healthy variation of takedown animations, making each encounter feel fresh. If you want to test your combat prowess, try the game on hard mode, as this deletes the enemy attack indicators and makes them more aggressive. To top it off, your health does not regenerate.
To spice up the combat even more, upgrades like the Ricochet Shield, which will strike up to three enemies in one throw, and Shield Shockwave, which has you smash your shield into the ground, are available for purchase after you've amassed the required amounts of Intel Points.
With combat being the highlight of the game, it's no surprise that the most addictive feature in the game is Challenge Mode, where you're pitted in a sizeable amount of scenarios (after they're unlocked, of course.) You'll be working against the clock to accomplish objectives, both survival-based and acrobatic, earning a bronze, silver, or gold medal depending on your finish time. You'll also receive more Intel Points to spend.
Although the combat animations are well-implemented, the characters themselves look detached from the backgrounds, which oftentimes results in limbs magically disappearing into walls and tables. The castle itself is nothing spectacular, and the sterile design of the rooms, hallways, and machinery leaves much to be desired. Even explosion effects seem half-baked and unrealistic, which seems counterintuitive for a game based on a comic book. All the artistic elements just feel like they were done completely separate from each other and then carelessly slapped together.
The music, on the other hand, is absolutely superb. Composer Bill Brown, whose extensive credits include many of the Tom Clancy games, really outdid himself with Captain America: Super Soldier. He created compositions that perfectly fit every scene of the game. I would even put his work on par with legendary composer John Williams.
Just as good are the sound effects, which have the perfect amount of resonance for everything from gunshot echoes to explosions to the various WWII-era machinery. And boy, do the Captain's punches crack! When timed perfectly with the slow motion close-ups, they emphasize the fact that he's no average Joe in a fancy outfit.
A Bumpy Landing (Bronze) A Day to Remember (Bronze) A Bitter Coffee (Bronze) An Unexpected Ally (Bronze) A Difficult Case (Bronze) A Friend from Afar (Bronze) A Slither in the Snow (Bronze) A Necessary Relocation (Bronze) A Cold Dark Night (Bronze) A Clue to Investigate (Bronze) A Desperate Betrayal (Bronze) Dragon Dodge (Bronze) Confusion Reigns (Bronze) Got it Covered! (Bronze) A Strong Shield (Bronze) Quibbler Collector (Bronze) Avid Quibbler Collector (Bronze) Daily Prophet Reader (Bronze) Daily Prophet Subscriber (Bronze) Wizard's Wireless Listener (Bronze) Wizard's Wireless Wizard (Bronze) The Benefit of Experience (Bronze) Reached Level 3 (Bronze) Reached Level 6 (Bronze) Defeated 100 Enemies (Bronze) Defeated 250 Enemies (Bronze) Ron's Saviour (Bronze) First Showing (Bronze) Comprehensive Showing (Bronze) Survivalist (Bronze) Friendly Rivals (Bronze) Defender against the Dark Arts (Bronze) A Valiant Friend (Silver) Wand-master (Silver) Liquid Experience (Silver) Reach Level 10 (Silver) Reached Level 15 (Silver) Defeat 500 Enemies (Silver) Expert Aim (Silver) From Under the Cloak (Silver) Auror Material (Silver) Reached Level 20 (Gold) Defeated 1000 Enemies (Gold) Order of the Phoenix Recruit (Gold) Merlin First Class Candidate (Platinum) |
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
aging (off/on) - turns again off or on
deleteAllCharacters - Deletes all Sime in the neighbourhood
kaching - get 1000 cash
motherlode - get 50,000 simoleans
moveobjects (on/off) - moves and delete objects that you cannot normally
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch off the aging function, just bring up the cheat console, and enter: aging off, and to turn it on enter: aging on.
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
Display and Performance
autopatch (on/off) - lets you know if theres a patch available
StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller
TerrainType (desert/temperate) - Switches between the two terrain types
vsync (on/off) - increases game performance but lowers graphics
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch on the autopatch function, just bring up the cheat console, and enter: autopatch on, and to turn it off enter: autopatch off.
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
The following cheats require you to have post processing on, so enter this code in the cheat console first:
boolProp enablePostProcessing true
(when you have finished, just enter: boolProp enablePostProcessing false)
bloom rgb (0.0 to 1.0) Create an effect using different clours. Instead of typing 'rgb', you need to enter three values, one representing r(red), one for g (green), and one for b(blue). These values can be any number from 0-255
filmGrain (0.0 to 1.0) Created a grainy effect on the screen
letterBox (0.0 to 0.4) Adds a letterbox effect to the view.
slowMotion (0 to 8, 0 is normal) Effects the game speed.
vignette (centerx centery X) Makes the middle look clear but the outside edges of the screen blurry (a vignette effect )
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write something that fits! So for example if you want to use the slow motion effect, just enter something like: slowMotion 5.
Max skills : First, you'll need the cheat bar (Ctrl,Shift,C) then type 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (with out the dashes) then click and drag on the bar that you want. (This also works with enthusiasm points)
Getting custom skin and new hair/clothes : Go on create a family and click on the mirror, the get the cheat bar up and type in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (without dashes) then press 'shift N' but this will only work if your not in the middle of making your sim. (if you get what I mean)
Vampire sims : Make sure your a sim and also make sure it's night or else your vampire sim might die. Get the cheat bar up (you should see it above) and type 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (you know there isn't any dashes) then shift-click on your sim and flick through until you see make this sim a vampire (or something like that) but NEVER click on force error.
Getting Bigfoot : Get the cheat bar, 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (no dashes) then shift-click on the mailbox and keep flicking through until you find bigfoot. But I think bigfoot is the only one you can be out of all of them.
Reach the top of your job level/ get career awards fast : Get the cheat bar, 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (no dashes) then shift-click on the newspaper and click on set job level to.... And to get the career awards click on career awards then chose which one yuo want.
More money : Cheat bar ' motherlode' (no dashes)
Get twins : Cheat bar 'forcetwins'(no dashes)
Get a man pregnant : Get the cheat bar up and do the boolprop cheat code, the shift-click on your sim, then click 'spwan' and the 'tombstone L and D' (L=life, D= death) the tombstone will appear next to your sim and click on the tombstone. It should say 'make me pregnant' (or something like that) then the man. You can also spend up pregnancy or get the sims alien pregnat with the tombstone L and D.
Move your sims and other objects anywhere : This is one of my favourite cheats. Get the cheat bar up and type in 'moveobjects on' (no dashes) or 'moveobjects off' when you have had enough.
Type in boolProp testing CheatsEnabled true in cheat window
Shift click on a sim and click Spawn and find senario check
Click on the bright yellow box that apears and chose add to private school
VOLIA no school. It might no work the first time so just switch panels then go back:-)
This is so funny! First you have to have a woman/man walking by with a newborn. Press Ctrl+Shift+C. Let go of the keys. Type in "moveobjects on". (Don't do the "s)Pick up the baby and put it on the ground. Pick up the woman or man in buy mode. Delete him or her like you would a regular object. Now you wait until the baby ages up to a teen or whatever you want it to be. Now, you will have a funny teen (or older) laying on the ground acting like a newborn. (The position is with it's knees bent, it's arms laying by it's side like a half of a square, and staying still exept for occasionally moving it's head and blinking.) It really works!
1.When you are on a family and they are in there home on your keybord hold control then shift then c but hold it all at the same time. At the top of your screen you should see a box type in 'motherlode' then you should have more money. If not try again.
2.Hit Ctrl which is located down at lower left of the keyboard and then hit c, a what they call it " cheat window box" will come up type in Motherlode then enter and it will give you 50,000 dollars
First open the cheat box by pressing ctrl+shift+c all at the same time then type in "motivedecay off" without the marks your sims motives will never go down.
Do the following cheat if you want to fill your skills to the maximum level instantly. Enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code and then pause gameplay without going into 'Build' or 'Buy'. Select your 'Skills' icon and when you are in the tab with the skill meter click and drag the pointer over the desired skill bar to raise it.
To do this enable the 'moveObjects on' code and then press 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + F or 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + C. Any Sim can be cloned except the Repo Man, you will not be able to control any of the clones.
Whenever you crete a family they will automatically get 20,000 Simoleans. To get more than that create a family making sure that the last name does not have any spaces and then at the 'Neighborhood' screen press 'Ctrl' + 'Shift' + C and enter familyFunds as a code (example 'familyFunds Smith 100,000'). This cheat can also be used while in a lot providing you control that family.
Whatever you do, never delete your mailbox because if you do the Repo Man will appear after three days. Instead direct your Sim to get the mail and then cancel it as soon as they get it. Now make the Sim place the bill on the ground and then using the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code delete it.
To do this first enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' code. Then shift-click a Sim and choose 'Spawn' to bring up some options. Click on the'Tombstone of L and D'. If your female Sim is single invite a male Sim over. When the guest arrives click on the 'Tombstone of L and D' and select 'More'. Choose 'Get pregnant with...' and choose the name of the Sim who you want to be the father. When you hear a lullaby click on the 'Tombstone of L and D' again. Select 'More'. Choose 'Speed up my pregnancy'. After a short period of time you will see your Sim's belly expanding until she gives birth.
To do this enable the 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true code' and get the desired Sim pregnant. Then hold the 'Shift' key and click on the pregnant Sim so that some options appear on screen. Click 'More' and then select the 'Debug: Force Twins' option and when your Sim gives birth you will be welcoming twins into your family.
To access the 'Cheat' window press Ctrl + Shift + C then enter the following codes:
List cheats:
Help -all
Expands or contracts Cheat window:
Closes Cheat window:
Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect:
Increases game performance but lowers graphics:
Vsync (on/off)
Windowed mode:
Start with desired resolution (in pixels):
-r(width) x (height)
Fullscreen mode:
Disables sound:
Get 1000 Cash:
50,000 Simoleans:
Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest):slowmotion
Makes your Sims larger or smaller:
Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles:
Boolprop constrainFloorElevation false
Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles:
Boolprop constrainFloorElevation true
Turn on aging:
Aging on
Turn off aging:
Aging off
Turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures:
FaceBlendLimits (on/off)
You can invite more people to your parties:
IntProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
Takes off censoring:
Intprop censorgridsize 0
You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it:
Turns Postprocessing on:
BoolProp enablePostProcessing true
Turns Postprocessing off:
BoolProp enablePostProcessing false
Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood:
Boolprop carsCompact (True/False)
Set to true to show lot information:
Boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False)
Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot:
Boolprop locktiles (True/False)
Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots:
Boolprop lotWater (True/False)
Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot:
Boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False)
Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False)
Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used:
Boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False)
Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False)
Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False)
Set to false to remove water from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False)
Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False)
Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood:
Boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False)
Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood:
Boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False)
Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house:
Boolprop objectShadows (True/False)
Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house:
BoolProp guob (True/False)
Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim:
Boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False)
Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to:
BoolProp displayPaths (True/False)
Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at:
Boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False)
Toggle shadows on/off for Sims:
BoolProp simShadows (True/False)
In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted:
Boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False)
You can place objects outside the grid:
BoolProp snapObjectsToGrid (True/False)
Moves objects and deletes you couldnt before:
Moveobjects (on/off)
Lets you know if theres a patch:
Autopatch (on/off)
Sitcom flashback blur effect (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
Bloom rgb #
Blurry bits at the edge of the screen. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
Vignette # # #
Makes the screen grainy. (# = 0.0 to 1.0) (require postprocessing on):
FilmGrain #
Adds a letterbox effect to the view. (# = 0.0 to 0.4) (require postprocessing on):
LetterBox #
Remove every Sim from the neighborhood (neighborhood view only):
Toggle between the two terrain types (neighborhood view only):
TerrainType (desert/temperate)
Debug Mode:
Press Ctrl + Shift + C to open the Cheat menu then enter the following:
BoolProp testingCheatsEnabled true.
While in Create-a-Sim press Shift + N before creating your first Sim to enable skintones, clothes, and hairstles that would normally be used only by NPCs.
Press Shift + M to disable it. Bring up the Debug menu by presssing Shift + Click on a Sim while in Live mode.
Roxy The Moshling
When you sign in there is another box as type your secret code.there you type hobbididance and type your id and password.then sign in.then go to your moshling garden and look in the seed bag.in the seed bag you can see a type of seed called roxy rose flower or something like that.plant that seed with any other 2 seeds.Go and look in your garden after a while and you will get roxy the secret moshling.
Cheats on moshi monsters
1.chop chop=any 3 dragons
2.gingersnap=any magic, any love, any pepper
3.squidge=any star,any pepper,any dragon
4.snookums=any 3 stars
5.dj quack=any dragon,any moon,any star
6.stanley=any 2 love and any dragon
7.purdy=any 2 dragon and any moon
8.(MEMBERS)humphrey=any daisy,any magic,any pepper
9.angel=any 2 pepper and any magic
1.kissy=purple star,blue or yellow star and red,purple, yellow or black magic
2.lady meowford=blue moon,pink moon and yellow or purple star
3.dipsy=red or pink moon,black or yellow moon and yellow love
4.shelby=black dragon,blue dragon and yellow or blue magic
5.dorus=any 3 moons apart from blue
6.blurp=purple moon,pink love,black love or blue moon
7.sooki-yaki=purple pepper,red magic and yellow or red magic
1.pooky=black magic,yellow magic and blue magic
2.(MEMBERS)coolio=pink apple,yellow star and any love
3.fumble=red star,yellow love,blue star
4.flumpy=black moon,red magic and red star
5.mr.snoodle=red pepper,purple magic and blue pepper
6.(MEMBERS)honey=yellow love,blue apple and purple magic
Moshi monsters-how to get a moshling!
Hey! Today going to tell you how to catch a moshling on moshi monsters! First you click on map button then go to main street then go to moshling seeds. Then buy three seeds for your moshling. Then go to moshling garden in your map. Then click on the red bag and plant your seeds then go back to your house and wait till it grows!
Boost monsters happiness
Tickle it by clicking on your monster and wiggling it on his/her body!! Hope it helps