============================================================================== VERSION HISTORY [0200] ============================================================================== This section details any updates or changes to the guide, the date they were published and in what version. You don't really have to worry about this.
============================================================================== 3.] VETERAN MODE [0300] ============================================================================== This section will contain some strategies regarding collecting trophies to make things as quick as possible. It also contains some things you should be aware of before attempting Veteran. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.1] Veteran Mode [0320] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Play on an the easiest difficulty while collecting extra trophies --------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are collecting a trophy that isn't dependent on a difficulty, do it on the easiest available skill level. In Call of Duty: Black Op's case, do it on recruit.
2. Play the Game on Veteran the first time ------------------------------------------
Veteran can be really annoying, but it will be more annoying if you play through the entire game multiple times. Just start with the hardest difficulty and you will save time, energy and get the trophies quickest.
3. Prepare to die ----------------- On Veteran difficulty the enemies aim faster, do more damage and are more aggresive. There's no way around it, you will die many times in Veteran. Get your stress ball ready and remove all sharp objects from the room.
4. Infinite Respawns makes it tough ----------------------------------- The biggest difficulty with Veteran mode is not so much the increased damage to yourself, but the worst part of it is the enemies respawning. Essentially, Veteran is about knowing when to run and knowing when to hide. While you sit in a safe location, enemies will continually run in no matter how many you kill. That is right, there is an infinite supply of foes. Your campaign allies in this game are more useful than in past Call of Duty games, but still will not do much in aiding you. It is your job to push up towards the enemies so your allies will do so too.
5. Ration your special grenades ------------------------------- I strongly recommend holding onto your special grenades for times of extreme frustration, this extends especially to smoke grenades, as they generally are not found and can be a life saver in particularily difficult parts.
6. Use auto-aim --------------- You can lock on to an enemy immediately by tapping the aim-down-sights button. While trying to locate enemies in the distance, this can be a godsend. You can immediately find their positions and send a burst back at them.
7. Take cover ------------- If you have ANY damage at all, wait in a safe spot before engaging the enemy again. You will die EXTREMELY fast if you are hit while previously injured. Also, you will either need to shoot from behind an object, or around an object while prone. This will make it harder for you to get hit.
8. Take Grenades into account ----------------------------- While in hiding, remember that the enemy still throws grenades. Make sure you have a safe place to move if you have a grenade land next to you (or throw it back, if you can).
9. Learn to hipfire ------------------- When you are in cover, you aim down the sights. When you are moving, HIPFIRE! It is always faster to hipfire than pull up the iron sights and pick a shot. You will also move faster hipfiring than ADS. At close range, you will probably hit them anyway.
10. Pick up useful attachments ------------------------------ By this I mean pick up enemy guns that have things like extended mags and dual mags, because extra ammunition is always useful. I don't recommend grenade launchers on Veteran because you must expose yourself greatly to fire them and have to switch back to regular firing if someone sneaks up on you. 11. Be Aware ------------ Due to the nature of enemy respawns its not uncommon for an enemy to appear behind you, constantly watch your back.
Veteran Glitch [0330] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
One thing you should be aware of while trying to collect all the trophies for completing missions on Veteran difficulty is the glitch. Some people have complained that the trophies were not unlocking, citing a glitch. Technically this is a glitch, but it is easily avoidable.
The glitch is this: if at any point during a mission you pause and select "SAVE AND QUIT", and then select "RESUME MISSION" from the menu later, you will not get the trophy even if you complete the mission. Essentially, you MUST complete a mission in a single sitting to get the trophy. Before you ask "Does that mean I have to beat the campaign all at once?" the answer is no. There is a simple work around, everytime you save and quit, simply press "Restart level" instead of "Resume Mission" and beat it from the start. If you are thinking of stopping partway through a mission, then you should either reconsider or restart from the beginning the next time you pick up the game.
4.] ACHIEVEMENTS/TROPHIES [0400] ============================================================================== Death to Dictators ------------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Take down Castro with a headshot. GUIDE: On the very first mission (Operation 40) you will breach two rooms. The second of which has Castro. Aim down the sights of your pistol and aim for his head. It is very easy to do on any difficulty and you will know you got it if everything goes slow motion and the camera follows your bullet.
Sacrifice ---------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Ensure your squad escapes safely from Cuba. GUIDE: Unavoidable. Simply complete the mission "Operation 40" on any difficulty.
Vehicular Slaughter -------------------
Trophy: Silver
Gamerscore: 25G
Description: Destroy all enemies on vehicles during the prison break.
GUIDE: During the mission "Vorkuta" you will find yourself holding a minigun called a "Death Machine". Destroy every truck you see, and all the enemies on it. Later, you get on a motorbike. Kill all the enemies around you with your pistol, and then when you get on the truck machine gun destroy all vehicles: trucks, motorbikes and the helicopter. If you don't get it, you may have missed something. I'm not entirely sure when you need to begin destroying enemies on vehicles but I would start from as early as possible. Do it on recruit for best results.
Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death ---------------------------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Escape Vorkuta. GUIDE: Complete the mission "Vorkuta" on any difficulty. It's unavoidable.
Slingshot Kid -------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Destroy all slingshot targets in 3 attempts.
GUIDE: During "Vorkuta" you will man a slingshot. Aim somewhat above the three targets pointed out and hold down on the left stick, then release. It is pretty easy to do. If it is your first time playing the level I recommend doing it again on recruit and just learning the physics of the slingshot the first time.
VIP ---
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Receive orders from Lancer.
GUIDE: Ridiculously easy, you don't even have to do anything during this mission. Simply watch the mission "U.S.D.D." on any difficulty. Unavoidable.
A Safer Place -------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Sabotage the Soviet space program.
GUIDE: Complete the mission "Executive Order" on any difficulty. Unavoidable. Tough
Economy -------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Use no more than 6 TOW guided missiles to destroy the tanks in the defense of Khe Sanh.
GUIDE: During the mission "S.O.G." you will have to use a TOW missile near the end to destroy the tanks. Play this on Recruit and take your time to aim at the enemies. If you miss, let the tank destroy you or shoot a TOW near yourself so you restart from the last checkpoint. Just don't miss.
Looks Don't Count -----------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Break the siege in the battle of Khe Sanh.
GUIDE: Complete the mission "S.O.G." on any difficulty.
Unavoidable. SOG Rules ---------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Retrieve the dossier and the defector from Hue City.
GUIDE: Complete the mission "The Defector" on any difficulty. Unavoidable.
Raining Pain ------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Rack up a bodycount of 20 NVA using air support in Hue City.
GUIDE: Play the mission "The Defector" on recruit and when you receive the ability to call in air support, mark an area with many enemies. Sit back, wait until you can call it in and do it again. If you advance minimally, you will still get many enemy respawns. Also, you will lose the ability to call in the air support at one point but later in the mission you get it back, so complete it then if need be.
The Dragon Within -----------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Kill 10 NVA with Dragon's Breath rounds.
GUIDE: At the start of the mission "The Defector" you get a SPAS-12 with incendiary "Dragon's Breath" rounds. Simply use this weapon until you have 10 kills. I did this on my first runthrough on Veteran but if you really need it then do it on recruit.
Heavy Hand ----------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Use the Grim Reaper to destroy the MG emplacement.
GUIDE: During the mission "Victor Charlie" you will receive a Grim Reaper. Hold on to this until you reach a point where you are in a house and a machine gun is firing on you. Destroy the MG with your machine gun. I got this one on my Veteran run but if you'd rather do it on recruit it would probably be easier.
Up Close and Personal ---------------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Silently take out 3 VC.
GUIDE: During "Victor Charlie" you will have a knife out for all the time. There are three Vietcong soldiers you must kill: one in a boat that you examine and then pull him down into the water, one sleeping in a bunk bed and one sitting with his back to you. This is a very easy trophy/achievement.
Double Trouble --------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Use only dual wield weapons to escape Kowloon.
GUIDE: This trophy can be very hard to do on Veteran, so I recommend doing it on recruit. Get some dual wielded SMGs as well as pistols and spray. This trophy is for the mission "Numbers".
Broken English --------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Escape Kowloon.
GUIDE: Complete the mission "Numbers" on any difficulty. Unavoidable.
Lord Nelson -----------
Trophy: Silver Gamerscore: 25G
Description: Destroy all targets and structures while making your way up the river.
GUIDE: This one can definitely be a pain in the butt. On the mission "Crash Site" there is a part where you are on a boat. Go on recruit and take your sweet time shooting all the docks, houses and enemies you can see. I must have spent at least a good 30 minutes driving back and forth slowly shooting at everything. If the structure blows up once, keep firing because it will often be destroyed even more. Fire the missiles and the machine gun constantly. I'm not entirely sure how much damage you need to cause to these buildings but make sure you can't destroy them any further. At the end of the level you will fight an enemy boat and will be unable to go back after this, so be sure to do it first.
Never Get Off the Boat ----------------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 10G
Description: Find the Soviet connection in Laos.
GUIDE: Complete the mission "Crash Site" on any difficulty.
Pathfinder ----------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 50G
Description: Guide the squad through the Soviet outpost without them getting killed.
GUIDE: During the mission "WMD" you will be manning a soldier in a spy plane. Simply follow the instructions and guide them. At times, you will take over the actual soldiers and fight some enemies. If you OR ANY of the squadmates die, you will have to restart. After the screen fades to white, you will get this.
Mr. Black OP ------------
Trophy: Silver
Gamerscore: 50G Description: Enter the Soviet relay station undetected.
GUIDE: During the mission "WMD" you will come across a number of enemies that are doing things such as fixing cars and patrolling. At this point, you must use your silenced AUG and crossbow to take all of the enemies out without being discovered. I did it with my crossbow but apparently the AUG works better for when there are multiple enemies. Simply pick the guy that looks like they're paying the least attention and take them out. Often times if there are two enemies your squadmate will mop them up. If you miss, you have a few seconds to take them out before they sound the alarm. If you fail, kill yourself and try again.
With Extreme Prejudice ----------------------
Trophy: Silver
Gamerscore: 25G
Description: Get to the POW compound in the Hind using only rockets.
GUIDE: During the mission "Payback" you will enter a Hind. Do this on recruit difficulty and destroy all the targets using only the missile (do not even touch the machine gun button). It might be a little harder taking down the enemy choppers but it isn't so bad.
Russian Bar-B-Q ---------------
Trophy: Bronze
Gamerscore: 15G
Description: Incinerate 10 enemies with the flamethrower attachment in the POW compound. GUIDE: During the mission "Payback" right before you enter the area with the POWs there is an enemy with an AK-47 flamethrower. Pick this up and use it constantly until you burn 10 enemies to death (do this on recruit). It's really not too hard, just don't waste the ammo.
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