The Bakery Door Trick
If you don't have time, are not making food, or your ovens are full, you can put something (I use the cash register) in front of your Bakery's door, and no people can get in, so they wont give your bakery a bad star rating, and you will go level ups faster, then you move the thing (cash register) back to it's place, and *dun dun dun*, you have people to eat your food again!Finish Food Instantly FREE [NO GEMS]
First you need to choose what you wanna cook.Just for example take a *Peach Cobbler*
The Peach Cobbler takes 3Hrs to be finished
But this cheat! Will help you! You don't need
To wait freakin' 2 days for a Pumpkin Pie? HUh?
BUT: When you set the Peach Cobbler to begin
Making it you go to settigns on your iPod or
IPhone and set the clock 3Hrs until!
Then your Peach Cobbler should be finished
And you can get a lot of money without using ANY Gems!
Hope it helps you!

Iphone4: if you have like 20 gifts in your stockage bothBs and rs
If you have many gifts in your stockage to this.:
Accept ALL then exit for awhile the gifts menu then enter agin and then youll see that the gifts are still there. And it's still written accept gift? But you must empty your gifts menu and put it in the counter. Then click the accept button all of them !! And ten VOILA!!
All your gifts are their again.
To earn more Gems!
Every time when you enter to play bakery story or restaurant story, there be a pop up message and it tell you to download a game (example Ninja's Live) and get 6 gems free. Install that game, open it and go into the game until you reach another pop up saying earning 6 gems for Bakery story and Restaurant Story... Click 'ok'. Once that is done, uninstall the game (Ninja's Live) and you will received 6 gems.
Getting Lots of Tips. -For Beginners
1. Make sure you have lots of tables, so you won't get full as fast...2. Leave a message on anyone's board if you tip them.
3. If someone tells you that you're full, message them and remind them that you're not full anymore.
4. Look for people that have been online very recently who have been tipping, and tip them.
Earn Coins and Gems
An easy way to earn coins and gems fast is to cook a lot of the same food. You earn ChefPoints which up your ranking. I am now a pastry chef in almost all my foods. It earns me great gems and coins each time I advance a level!Cook food fast and free :)
Alot of people post this but I just happen to be one of them;) anyway many of you may wonder if there is a way to cook food (ex.sugar cookies) that takes suuuuper long like sugar cookies take a whole day! Well lukily there is! Say you want to make a pumpkin pie (2 days) get it on the stove and cooking , then go into
glorious pumkin pie! Sorry this was ridiculously long but I hope it helps;)
Get more neighbors
I don't know if this is a cheat or a tip and trick but, to get more neighbors all you have to do is look at the walls of the bakery's you visit to leave tips. Chances are there are at least a few people (probably more depending on their activity and level) who have left their id on the wall. Just go to your invite tab and enter the id's left on the wall.
Totally not cool! Stealing my gems cheat and paste it in this site! Copyright!
It wasn't copyrighted you bloody moron! L2CommonSense
The time thing doesn't work for me, boo. It fakes me out and had the food ready, then tells me the server is out of sync and it synced it... Then puts the timer back on cooking... Booo! I was so excited
The time thing didn't work for me either. In fact it messed up everything in my entire bakery. All the food that I had on my counters is now gone, and It won't let me cook anything. It's not syncing and nobody is coming in my bakery either.
The time change to make ur food ready, doesn't work for IPhone. I found this out the hard way cause I was cooking pumpkin pie that takes 2 days on all 3 ovens & it said out of sync, reloaded, then finally it said my pumpkin pies would take 4 days..no an enjoyable 4 days I had to wait.
Regarding getting extra gems, the other game only applies to ninja live? Cos i tried the animal story 2 but still havent gotten any gems yet. And learnt the time thing e hard way too but i quickly turned off on my iphone and everything's back to normal phew!
Time did not work, it took all my hard work away.
My sister recommended this post and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
Bakery Equipment
i know this is a stupid question but what does it mean when people say add me? and how do i add them? lol
It means they want to your neighbour. Invite them, type their I'd into the invite friends tab in social :)
Add me morissa101
how do i get all the ovens even if it says i have to wait till i get to a certain level? please help!
The same thing happened to me...I tried to set the time forward on my iPad and the food was ready....but then it said my bakery was out of sync and it put it o where my food was still cooking...except instead of hot chocolate cooking for 16 hours...it made it cook for 2 days!!! So to fix that I exited out of it clicked the home button twice pressed on bakery story until the red minus sign came up and I just refreshed. Then everything was bak to normal
I tried accelerating the time a couple of days but it didn't work, what should i do now?
I tried to push time foward 2 days but it did not work, what should i do?
I tried to push time foward 2 days but it did not work, what should i do?
Add me prettynprple
I think ur website is pretty helpful, but a lot of wat u said here is really similar to wat everyone says, so it's not exactly a secret cheat. Thanks about the info on the pastry chef, though.
Add me BellaToca
Add me sarabpreet1983
At the Player Select screen, put the cursor on Zero, then press and hold R1, and press Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right. Release R1, press and hold p, then press u.
Natalie Evans
nintendo ds lite games
Its going to sound odd but I finally got the time setting to work on android.
Set the date first a few months ahead.
go into the app and select something I picked fruitcake.
Press the HOME button
Go into settings and change the time an hour ahead.
Go back in the app.
Put your food on the counters and collect the stars.
Press home again
And end the task
(For android the end task selector is an app already on your phone. Press screen go to Widgets its under program monitor.)
Add me binalove93
I cant get the set time ahead thing to work at all ive tried all your ideas it just keeps making my game crash until i set the time back right and ive lost all my food on my counters and the game is still acting up. I really want to know how to make the cook time thing work. I have an android tablet, someone PLEASE HELP ME my id on bakery is kirarobnson btw
This fuckin resets my iphone
hey everybody add sadie129
This is a fakey when I set my time forward I had to wait 2 days and normally it was only 5hours, so thanks a lot for ur bullshit������✌��
Ps. Any one trying this so NOT DO⚠⚠⚠⚠
Pls add me precysimon and leave tips in my bakery thanks :)
You are all disapointing sorry but these things in your website ( i dont give a shit which one really write that bullshit but i am looking for real cheats like a number or words that u have to put in a magic case for example! Anyway thanks for wasting my time. You wanna bakery fight ? Add Bouizzy on the storm ID, i will kick your cup cake down! Bakery cheats to the ground loosers!
Do you people actually understand what a cheat is? None of these are cheats! They are just regular game play.....
You didnt have to wait 4 days, all you had to do is put the time back to normal and force quit the game, when you reopen the game the time is back to 2 days :) i
When I get to new levels and more food options are available I can't find them. Where are they?
Time thing didn't work and you got me all pumped up for nothing. I tried on iPad and iPod but they where just the same
Need more neighbors ..gettin tirrd of playin and not much help !
please add me id;miracle482
game cheat code....check out hack-fb-online.com
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