Cheat Codes
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
aging (off/on) - turns again off or on
deleteAllCharacters - Deletes all Sime in the neighbourhood
kaching - get 1000 cash
motherlode - get 50,000 simoleans
moveobjects (on/off) - moves and delete objects that you cannot normally
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch off the aging function, just bring up the cheat console, and enter: aging off, and to turn it on enter: aging on.
Display and Performance Cheats
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
Display and Performance
autopatch (on/off) - lets you know if theres a patch available
StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller
TerrainType (desert/temperate) - Switches between the two terrain types
vsync (on/off) - increases game performance but lowers graphics
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write one or the other! So for example if you want to switch on the autopatch function, just bring up the cheat console, and enter: autopatch on, and to turn it off enter: autopatch off.
Filmaking Cheats
Firstly, bring up the cheat console by pressing CTL + Shift + C at the same time. Then you can enter any of the following codes for the corresponding effect:
The following cheats require you to have post processing on, so enter this code in the cheat console first:
boolProp enablePostProcessing true
(when you have finished, just enter: boolProp enablePostProcessing false)
bloom rgb (0.0 to 1.0) Create an effect using different clours. Instead of typing 'rgb', you need to enter three values, one representing r(red), one for g (green), and one for b(blue). These values can be any number from 0-255
filmGrain (0.0 to 1.0) Created a grainy effect on the screen
letterBox (0.0 to 0.4) Adds a letterbox effect to the view.
slowMotion (0 to 8, 0 is normal) Effects the game speed.
vignette (centerx centery X) Makes the middle look clear but the outside edges of the screen blurry (a vignette effect )
Just enter 'exit' to close the cheat console. You can also enter 'expand' or 'contract' to make the cheat console bigger or smaller. You can also enter 'help -all' to get a list of all cheats!
It's probably obvious, but for the stuff in brackets just write something that fits! So for example if you want to use the slow motion effect, just enter something like: slowMotion 5.
To make objects diagnol
Type in exactly like this: boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation trueTo turn it off, just type in the same thing but put false instead of true
Cheats I Know...
Max skills : First, you'll need the cheat bar (Ctrl,Shift,C) then type 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (with out the dashes) then click and drag on the bar that you want. (This also works with enthusiasm points)
Getting custom skin and new hair/clothes : Go on create a family and click on the mirror, the get the cheat bar up and type in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (without dashes) then press 'shift N' but this will only work if your not in the middle of making your sim. (if you get what I mean)
Vampire sims : Make sure your a sim and also make sure it's night or else your vampire sim might die. Get the cheat bar up (you should see it above) and type 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (you know there isn't any dashes) then shift-click on your sim and flick through until you see make this sim a vampire (or something like that) but NEVER click on force error.
Getting Bigfoot : Get the cheat bar, 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (no dashes) then shift-click on the mailbox and keep flicking through until you find bigfoot. But I think bigfoot is the only one you can be out of all of them.
Reach the top of your job level/ get career awards fast : Get the cheat bar, 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' (no dashes) then shift-click on the newspaper and click on set job level to.... And to get the career awards click on career awards then chose which one yuo want.
More money : Cheat bar ' motherlode' (no dashes)
Get twins : Cheat bar 'forcetwins'(no dashes)
Get a man pregnant : Get the cheat bar up and do the boolprop cheat code, the shift-click on your sim, then click 'spwan' and the 'tombstone L and D' (L=life, D= death) the tombstone will appear next to your sim and click on the tombstone. It should say 'make me pregnant' (or something like that) then the man. You can also spend up pregnancy or get the sims alien pregnat with the tombstone L and D.
Move your sims and other objects anywhere : This is one of my favourite cheats. Get the cheat bar up and type in 'moveobjects on' (no dashes) or 'moveobjects off' when you have had enough.
No School
Type in boolProp testing CheatsEnabled true in cheat window
Shift click on a sim and click Spawn and find senario check
Click on the bright yellow box that apears and chose add to private school
VOLIA no school. It might no work the first time so just switch panels then go back:-)
How To Make A Teen (or older) Act Like A Newborn
This is so funny! First you have to have a woman/man walking by with a newborn. Press Ctrl+Shift+C. Let go of the keys. Type in "moveobjects on". (Don't do the "s)Pick up the baby and put it on the ground. Pick up the woman or man in buy mode. Delete him or her like you would a regular object. Now you wait until the baby ages up to a teen or whatever you want it to be. Now, you will have a funny teen (or older) laying on the ground acting like a newborn. (The position is with it's knees bent, it's arms laying by it's side like a half of a square, and staying still exept for occasionally moving it's head and blinking.) It really works!
1.When you are on a family and they are in there home on your keybord hold control then shift then c but hold it all at the same time. At the top of your screen you should see a box type in 'motherlode' then you should have more money. If not try again.
2.Hit Ctrl which is located down at lower left of the keyboard and then hit c, a what they call it " cheat window box" will come up type in Motherlode then enter and it will give you 50,000 dollars
How to have your sims have max motives all the time
First open the cheat box by pressing ctrl+shift+c all at the same time then type in "motivedecay off" without the marks your sims motives will never go down.
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