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Friday, July 29, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever Cheats and Guides For Ps3

Duke Nukem Forever Cheats
Entry Location:
Unlockable Duke Nukem Cheats

Big Head Mode in EXTRA GAME SETTINGS Use early preorder download code

CONCEPT ARTS: Complete the game once in any difficulty

DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE: Complete the game once in any difficulty

Duke 3D Freeze Ray: Complete the game

DUKE SOUND BOARD: Complete the game once in any difficulty

Grayscale Mode: Complete the game

Head Scale: Complete the game

Infinite Ammo: Complete the game

Instagib: Complete the game

Invincibility: Complete the game

Mirror Mode: Complete the game

MOVIES: Complete the game once in any difficulty

SCREENSHOTS: Complete the game once in any difficulty

TRIPTYCH OFFICE PHOTOS: Complete the game once in any difficulty

Master Chief Armour
Entry Location: Vegas in Ruins
After talking with Dylan you walk up to an EDF Soldier who is standing infront of a truck. He says that your 'Power Armour' is ready, to which Duke replies "Power Armour is for pussies!"
The Armour is in fact the helmet and torso of Master Chiefs Armour from the Halo Series!

Duke 3D Freeze Ray
Entry Location:
Extra Game Settings

Freeze ray will fire bouncing ice projectiles (SP only).

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