Unlimited Nitro
Collect all ten collectible (cheat will make some races without any prize money)
Hints, Tips, Tricks, Secrets, Glitches & Easter Eggs
All Car's And All Upgrades For ZERO Dollars.
After you beat the LA Street King, Karol will call you and offer you a partnership with Him. His asking price is 1 Million Dollars. Do what you have to to make a million dollars, and don't forget you can sell your car's too. After you have a Million Dollars in your Bank, Karol will contact you again. Give Him the Million Dollars. When you go back to your Garage, All Car's and All Upgrades can be purchased for ZERO Dollars. Even Car's that haven't been unlocked yet can also be purchased.
Drive With Your Doors Open
To drive with your doors open, go to the garage. Select the car that you want to drive with the doors open. Go to "customize car. " Then, go to "Interior/Exterior. " Go to "Side" and select "Doors. " Go to "Scissor Doors, " but do not select it. When it shows your car with the doors open, quickly press circle, x, circle. The doors will stay open. Now you can exit the garage and drive around with the doors open. When you want to close the doors, do the same thing but only press circle.
Easy MotorCycle Wins In Valley
Get a motorcycle with perfect handling like a Kawasaki Ninja. When you get that, do some valley races. Notice that you won't have to stop. If you have a car, you have to stop but with a bike you can turn easily or to make it easier use weight transfer (Thats the Circle button) after you use weight transfer you don't need to stop your bike while in the Valley.
Easier Way To Evade The Cops
An easier way to lose the cops while they are chasing you is when they are right behind you just use the handbrake and make a u-turn. If you keep doing that they will take longer to turn around so you can get away. If that doesn't work go on a freeway, and if they are right behind you act like you are getting off the freeway then at the last second turn and stay on. They will get of the freeway and you can escape.
Test Drive Locked Cars Without Cops Around
While in the garage go to "Vehicle Showroom" then go to any car or motorcycle even the ones that are locked, and press "Square" and you will be able to test drive the car. There won't be any cops at all to stop you from doing anything illegal and you can't damage/damage out your car at all. No cops makes it nice if you just wanna cruise around to find the Yellow Barrels with the R symbol on them but the only thing is you can't customize the vehicle or race anyone since you are just test driving it and not having purchased or unlocked it yet. Square.
Finding Karol
You have to go online or go park in his drive way for about five to fifteen seconds then turn off your system and turn it back off (make sure to save first)then get back on and go and it should allow you to talk to you. If it doesn't work sit there longer and then repeat again.
Hole Shot
When you are lined up ready to race someone HOLD R1 and Push the Right Stick to give your car gas and when the sign says GO release the R1 Button. Then you will get the Hole Shot.Unlimited Money
Beat career to unlock unlimited money.Customization Unlocks
Front Bumpers Do 9 races with a specific vehicle class.
Skirts Do 9 races with a specific vehicle class.
Rear Bumpers Do 18 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Spoilers or Motorcycle Tails Do 18 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Stereos or Motorcycle Tanks Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Front Seats Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Steering Wheels Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Post Gauges Do 27 races with a specific vehicle class.
Taillights Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Car Headlights or Motorcycle Bowls Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Hoods Do 36 races with a specific vehicle class.
Blowers Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Exhausts Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Intercoolers Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
Widebody Kits Do 45 races with a specific vehicle class.
No Police
Unlock "No Police" by finding 50 Collectibles.
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