Unlimited Ammo:
Pause game-play and hold L2 then enter Left, Circle, R2, Right, R1, Square. Unlock Upgrades:
When you are at the 'Mothership' pause game-play and hold L2 then enter Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square. The upgrades for the unlocked weapons will all become available at Pox's lab.
Unlimited Mind Power:
Pause game-play and hold L2 then enter R1, R2, Circle, Right, R2, Circle. Make sure that your MC meter is above zero for this code to work.
God mode:
Pause game-play and hold L2 then enter Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square
Unlock B-Movies
Unlock Outro Movie clip:
Complete Attack of the 50ft President
Unlock Teenagers from Outer Space clip:
Complete Attack of the 50ft President
Unlock Furon Down!clip:
Complete Furon Down!
Unlock Plan 9 from Outer Space clip:
Complete Teenage Zombies from Outer Space
Furongami Unlockables
Unlock Face of the Enemy:
Collect all Probes in Area-42
Unlock The Concept Barnyard:
Collect all Probes in Capitol City
Unlock Evolution of an Alien:
Collect all Probes in Turnipseed Farm
Unlock Blue Book Saucer Blueprints:
Collect all Probes in Rockwell
Unlock Art of the Furon:
Collect all Probes in Santa Modesta
Unlock Pathetic Humans!:
Collect all Probes in Union Town
Furon Propaganda Unlockables
Unlock Developer Darwinism Evolution of the game:
Complete Attack of the 50ft president
Unlock Crypto, phone home!:
Complete Attack of the 50ft president
Unlock Goofy screenshots and voice overs:
Complete Attack of the 50ft president
Unlock E3 Booth Footage:
Complete Attack of the 50ft president
Increases DNA
Be sure your at the mothership for this cheat to work. Hold L2 and press R1,R1,R2,R2,left,right,left,right,R2.
pick up party
the pick up party allows you to pick up as many people up to the number ten pause the game, hold L2, and press square R2 circle[2] x square triangle
How to get 100%
You need to find all the robots in every area get all movies and finish all the missionsWierd Stuff
Okay, so go to Area 42 and put a person on the roof of a building that has walls so they wont fall off. There shadows will appear on the walls and ground, moving. If you put a car up there between two hangars in the base( NOT THE AIRFIELD!) and put a moron (alive one) on top of it, they will die. Then, PK the car and release(Just Hit /_(Triangle)and release quickly to catapult the person off the roof. You can also put out fires on a car by putting a dead body on it. As soon as the body is moved,the fire returnes. Another thing, PK a person and PKpush them at a barb wire fence. They will scream,die,and fly away. /------
|O O|
| | PERSON!!!!!!!!HEAD!!!!!!!!
ammo and plenty
On any mission pause the game and hold L2 and press left,circle,R2,right,R1, square .god mod
During any misson pause the game and hold L2 and press square,circle,left,left,circle,sqare and you shoud be invinceable.
Starfleet Inteligence
Inptut the following cheat at the pause menu.
Hold down L2 while you put in the cheat.
You will have to put this cheat in at the start of every level.
All cheats
Pause the game, hold L2 and press left, circle, R2, right, R1 square. This gives you unlimited ammo.
infinite telekenisis
Pause game hold l2 enter r1 r2 circle right r2 circle it shoul make a beep sound if it is right Game master 1996
Bulletproof Crypto
Pause game hold l2 then enter square circle left left circle square hope I helped Game master 1996
Infinite ammo
At the pause screen hold L2 then enter Left, circle, R2, Right, R1, square
Hope I helped Game master 1996
The most important cheats!
Unlimited Ammo:Left,Circle,R2,Right,R1,Square
Unlimted Mind Power:R1,R2,Circle,R2,Circle,Right,R1,Square
Note must pause during gameplay and hold L2 when finished the cheat let go of L2 then Procide with other cheats
Everything I know about this game.
DNA: R1,R1,R2,R2,L,R,R1,R1
Infinite Ammo: L,Circle,R2,R,R1,Square
Infinite Heath: Square,Circle,L,L,Circle,Square
Unlimited Ammo- Pause the game, hold L2 and press Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square.
God Mode- Pause the game, hold L2 and press Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square.
Unlimited Concentration- Pause the game, hold L2 and press R1, R2, Circle, Right, R2, Circle.
Max out the alert meter- Pause the game, hold L2 and press Right, Square, R2, R1, Right, R2.
Reset the alert meter- Pause the game, hold L2 and press R2, Right, R2, R1, Square, Right.
Access to the Upgrades at Pox's Lab- On the mothership, hold L2 and press Square, Circle, Left, Left, Circle, Square.
Extra DNA- On the mothership, hold L2 and press R1, R1, R2, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, R2, R1.
Pox unlocks
On the mothership hold l2 and press square circle left left circle square [you have to let go f L2 for it to work]
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