Cheat Codes
In GTA IV cheats are activated via using the mobile phone. Try entering any of the following codes after Roman has given you his old mobile phone. This happens pretty early in the game so you don't have to wait long before you can enter the cheat codes. Once you have the phone you can enter them as often as you like.Okay, first get out your mobile phone and press 'Up' to raise the phone higher and reveal the complete keypad. Then use your controller to select the set of numbers according to which cheat you want to use, after you have entered the code the cursor moves to the dial button, just press 'Up' again and if successful you will see a message 'Cheat Activated' on the screen. When a code has been entered correctly, a new 'Cheats' menu option becomes available on your phone under 'Options' which allows you to access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again.
We would say not to save your game after you have enabled a cheat code.
Full Health:
Call 362-555-0100
Full Health and Ammunition:
Call 482-555-0100
Reset Wanted Level:
Call 267-555-0100
Wanted Level Up One:
Call 267-555-0150
Weapons 1:
Call 486-555-0100
Weapons 2:
Call 486-555-0150
Change Weather and Brightness:
Call 468-555-0100
Spawn Annihilator Cop Helicopter:
Call 359-555-0100
Spawn Cognoscenti:
Call 227-555-0142
Spawn Comet:
Call 227-555-0175
Spawn FBI Buffalo:
Call 227-555-0100
Spawn Jetmax:
Call 938-555-0100
Spawn NRG-900:
Call 625-555-0100
Spawn Sanchez:
Call 625-555-0150
Spawn SuperGT:
Call 227-555-0168
Spawn Turismo:
Call 227-555-0147
Complete game
Go on your phone and go on the ringing part and put in 159 555 0100
Activate the following effects in the game by going to an internet cafe and typing the corresponding URL.
Instant 5-Star Wanted Level:
Armor, Weapon, Vehicle, Health, Pigeon, Ramp/Stunt and Entertainment Locations:
Full Health and Body Armour
If you steal a Mr. Tasty Ice Cream truck and listen to the music until you hear the GTA theme you can call 'ZIT' which is the tune identifying number on your mobile as it's playing and a cheat in your phone that restores your health and body armour will become enabled.
Getting 100% Completion
The following list must be completed to be able to get a 100% completion.
Complete ALL 90 story and procedural missions to get 68% complete.
Complete ALL 30 car thefts to get an additional 2%.
Complete ALL 50 stunt jumps to get an additional 2.5%.
Complete ALL 20 vigilante crimes to get an additional 2.5%.
Kill ALL 30 people on the list to get an additional 2.5%.
Collect ALL 200 pigeons (flying rats) to get an additional 2.5%.
Beat friends or computers at every activity to get an additional 5%.
Find ALL random characters and complete their missions to get an additional 5%.
Excluding Roman or Dwayne get ALL your friend's special abilities and do ALL their activities to get an additional 10%.
Carbine Rifle
This weapon is located at Happiness Island which means you'll need to get hold of a helicopter or boat to get there. If either of those two options aren't availabe you can always swim there. At the island go inside the first door of the 'Statue of Happiness' and there will be a security guard there with a carbine rifle. All you've got to do then is Kill him to get the Carbine rifle.
Free Shotgun Shells
Easier said than done but if you can somehow enter a police cruiser you'll automatically get 5 shotgun shells.Free Health Increase
If your health level is getting low then jump into an ambulance and you'll get some extra health.Unlock Ski Mask
Complete the 'Three Leaf Clover' mission and the ski mask will become selectable as a hat anytime in your wardrobe. This is a useful item to have if you plan on doing a robbery and don't want to be recognisedPolice Database
Log into a computer at the TW@ Internet Cafe and enter the URL 'www.libertycitypolice.com' and select the 'Database' tab which is located at the bottom of the homepage and you will be able to surf the Liberty City Police department files on all the characaters in the gameGet a Statue of Liberty T-shirt
If you go to the Statue of Liberty and walk up to the 2nd level there will be a door there which you have to walk through because it doesn't swing open. When you have gone through the door the game will load for a moment and you will come out wearing a new t-shirt which will have the image of the Statue of Liberty on it.Friendship Bonuses
To survive in this game you need all the help you can get and gaining the indicated amount of Friendship/Relationship status with the following people will give you the corresponding bonus.
Free Ride (Call for a Taxi):
Gain 60% friendship with Roman.
Discount Guns (Buy weapons at a cheaper price from Lil Jacob):
Gain 60% friendship with Little Jacob.
Extra Help (Gang members arrive in a car to help you out):
Gain 60% friendship with Dwayne.
Boom? (Call Packie for him to make you a car bomb):
Gain 75% friendship with Packie.
Chopper Ride (Call Bruce to pick you up in his helicopter):
Gain 70% Friendship with Brucie.
Health Boost (Call Carmen and select 'Health Boost'):
Get 80% Relationship Status with Carmen.
Remove up to 3 Wanted Stars (Call Kiki and select 'Remove Wanted'):
Get 80% Relationship Status with Kiki.
50% off for ALL Clothing Stores:
Get 80% Relationship Status with Alex.
Unlock Vehicles
Complete the indicated tasks to unlock the following vehicles in the game.Unlock Rastah Colour Huntley SUV:
Complete 10 Package Delivery missions
Unlock Annihilator Helicopter:
Kill ALL 200 flying rats
Remove Ammo Limit
When you get 100% completion in the game there is no longer an ammo limit which means you can keep firing away in a gunfight without worrying about how much ammo you have left.
ATM Cash Glitch
Find an ATM then block off traffic in the road leading to it so cars cannot pass. Then wait for someone to use the ATM, kill them then take the money they drop. It's essential at this point that you have done a good job at blocking the roads so the ambulance can not take away the corpse.
With that said... Run a bit away from your victim and go back again and the same money should be available to pick up again... If anyone is using the ATM when you go back you can kill them too and each time you return their cash will have respawned too.
Repair car engine
Broken down? Car on fire? Try calling 911 using your cellphone in the game, the emergency services may come and your engine will be fine again.
You can view a load of Liberty City maps as part of the game. All you have to do is us a PC with an internet connection... Like in an internet cafe then use it to go to this website:
Here you get access to maps with hidden items, weapons, friend locations, pigeons and jumps.
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