During the main campaign, which is about 7 to 8 hours long (or short) you'll get to search for a total of 45 Enemy Intel Laptops. Some are very difficult to find, and I can imagine you'd need some help in finding them. All Intel locations are fully integrated in this walkthrough. You can also use the complete quick checklist with minor hints if you feel confident that will be enough for you. Good luck, and good gaming.
please click or copy the link below for mo re guides
Hidden Challenges
When you complete the following tasks the corresponding challenge will become available. These challenges will not show in the barracks.
Get knifed by an enemy wearing this title. 1,000 Experience points.
Living Dead:
Survive in Final Stand long enough to get back up. 1,000 Experience points.
Click, Click, Boom:
Kill an enemy with C4 while you are in Last Stand (not Final Stand). 5,000 Experience points.
Defuse a bomb right after it is planted while the planter is still alive. 2,000 Experience points.
The Numb:
Take enough damage that would normally kill you with Painkill active. 0 Experience points.
Transmission Complete (Knife an enemy wearing this title). 5,000 Experience points.
Get three kills with your secondary weapon in one life. 1,000 Experience points.
areenaissance Man:
Get three kills with three different weapons in one life. 1,000 Experience points.
Hard to Kill:
Get 2 kills while in Last Stand or Final Stand. 500 Experience points.
The Avenger:
Avenge the death of 3 teammates in one life. Unknown Experience points.
Never Forget:
Get hurt by an enemy, survive and backstab the same enemy. 3,500 Experience points.
The Loner:
Get a 10 killstreak with no killstreak rewards selected. 2,500 Experience points.
The Edge I, II, III:
Get the Game-Winning Killcam 5, 10, and 20 times. 1,000 Experience points, 5,000 Experience points, 10,000 Experience points.
I, II, III: Steal 10, 50, and 200, enemy crates. 1,000 Experience points, 3,000 Experience points, 5,000 Experience points.
Select killstreak rewards requiring 7, 8, and 9 kills and earn them all. Unknown Experience points.
Kill an enemy who is priming a grenade. 0 Experience points.
Get a kill with Martyrdom grenade. 1,000 Experience points.
areadiation Sickness:
Get nuked by the enemy. 1,000 Experience points.
...With A Vengeance:
Avenge a fallen teammate. 0 Experience points.
Point Guard:
Most assists in a game. Unknown Experience points.
All Rounder:
Complete all other challenges. Unknown Experience points.
During the main campaign, which is about 7 to 8 hours long (or short) you'll get to search for a total of 45 Enemy Intel Laptops. Some are very difficult to find, and I can imagine you'd need some help in finding them. All Intel locations are fully integrated in this walkthrough. You can also use the complete quick checklist with minor hints if you feel confident that will be enough for you. Good luck, and good gaming.
please click or copy the link below for mo re guides
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