Cheats and code
All bikes
At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right, Down(2), Right, Down(2), Left, Square to unlock all bikes.
Play as Mike Dias
At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right(2), Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Square to unlock Mike Dias.
Play as Amish Guy
At the main menu, press Up, Left, Down, Right(2), Left, Left, Down, Up, Left, Square to unlock Amish Guy.
Colin Mackey's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right(2), Up, Square.
Dave Mirra's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up(2), Square.
Joey Garcia's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Square.
Kenan Harkin's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Down, Up, Square.
Leigh Ramsdell's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Square.
Luc-E's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right, Left(2), Square.
Mike Laird's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right(2), Left, Square.
Rick Moliterno's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Up(4), Left, Up, Square.
Ryan Nyquist's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Left, Down, Up(2), Down, Square.
Scott Wirch's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right(2), Up, Square.
Tim Mirra's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Up, Down, Up, Square.
Todd Lyons' competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down(2), Right, Up, Left(2), Down, Square.
Troy McMurray's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Left, Square.
Zach Shaw's competition outfit
At the main menu, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Down(2), Right, Down, Square.
Colin Mackey FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Right, Up, Square.
Dave Mirra's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Up, Right, Up, Left, Up(2), Square.
Joey Garcia FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Up(2), Down, Right, Down, Square.
Kenan Harkin FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(4), Right(2), Down(2), Square.
Leigh Ramsdell FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Down, Left, Square.
Luc-E's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Right(2), Down(2), Right, Up, Square.
Mike Laird's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up(2), Right, Up, Right, Square.
Rick Moliterno FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Up, Down, Right, Left(2), Up, Square.
Ryan Nyquist's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Down, Square.
Scott Wirch FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up(3), Left, Right, Square.
Tim Mirra's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, Square.
Todd Lyons FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(2), Down, Up(2), Right, Left, Down, Square.
Troy McMurray's FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(3), Down, Up, Right, Up, Left, Square.
Zach Shaw FMV sequences
At the main menu, press Left(3), Right, Left, Down, Right, Down, Square.
Hand grab after death
If you hold triangle after you die or fall of your bike, you'll hold on to anything but the ground. This is fun with cars and you can get high scores in wipeout by doing so.Master cheat
Master cheat-At the Main Menu press UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE.Master code
At the main menu, enter up, right, down, left, right, right, up, down, left, right, up, left, right, right, down, square.
Ryan Nyquist
Pause the game and press: up, down, down, left, down, up, up, down, square.
Todd Lyons
Pause the game and press:
up, down, down, right, up, left, left, down, square.
Unlock Levels
All Levels-At the Main Menu, press X Circle X X Square Triangle Circle(2).
Hello Friends,
Here is a list of available cheat codes for Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2. Cheats are entered at the Press Start screen. If you have trouble with any of the codes, try entering them quicker. Thanks a lot.
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