Gungan Lightsaber
Go to www.jointhejedi.com. Skip the video and then click on the 'Clone Wars Adventures' thingy on the bottom right-hand corner. It will take you to a login page, where you login with your Clone Wars account, then bam, free Gungan lightsaberMember ship
On the clone wars adventures home page you scroll all the way down and type cwagift10 in the code box and then it will say make a new account and redeem your code or something like that you click on that and make a new account then you have membership
Sorry peeps bu the code for membership cwagift10 no longer works so try and buy star wars4 awesome cheats
Cheat1: cwagift10 (membership)Cheat2: mcplaycwa (RA-7 droid)
Cheat3: jetpack01 (speeder)
Cheat4: secretmission (C-3PO)
Speeder bike
Go to redeem code and type jetpack01 and youll get a green speeder bike.I hope you enjoy your green speeder bike.
Ra-7 droid
To get this droid what you do is go to redeem a code and type in "mcplaycwa" and you get ra-7.you can get the attachments for him only if you are a jedi member
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