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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheats for Wii

Finding the Pack-A-Punch Machine on Five Map in Zombies Mode

To locate this device which allows upgrades to the majority of the weapons found in the zombie mode make a crawler and then go into the middle room and adjust the DEFCON level to DEFCON 5. ALL teleporters will take you to the Presidential Suite where you will find ALL the switches in that room (3 are upstairs and 1 is downstairs). When you have hit ALL four switches a 'Panic Room' will unlock and the Pack-A-Punch machine is located in there.

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and enter the case sensitive command 'rlogin' (without the quotes). When prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access enter the following usernames and passwords to continue.

Login as Robert Oppen:
Username: roppen
Password: trinity

Login as Vannevar Bush:
Username: vbush
Password: majestic1

erminal Codes (Usernames and Passwords)

Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System and type the case sensitive command 'login' (without the quotes). When you are then prompted to login with an account enter the following usernames and passwords. Access their documents with the 'dir' command or email with the 'mail' command.

Bruce Harris
Username: bharris
Password: goskins

D. King
Username: dking
Password: mfk

Adrienne Smith
Username: asmith
Password: roxy

Vannevar Bush
Username: vbush
Password: manhattan

Frank Woods
Username: fwoods
Password: philly

Grigori 'Greg' Weaver
Username: gweaver
Password: gedeon

J. Turner
Username: Jturner
Password: condor75

Jason Hudson
Username: jhudson
Password: bryant1950

John McCone
Username: jmccone
Password: berkley22

Joseph Bowman
Username: jbowman
Password: uwd

John F. Kennedy
Username: jfkennedy
Password: lancer

Lyndon B. Johnson
Username: lbjohnson
Password: ladybird

Richard Nixon
Username: rnixon
Password: checkers

Richard Helms
Username: rhelms
Password: lerosey

Richard Kain
Username: rkain
Password: sunwu

Ryan Jackson
Username: rjackson
Password: saintbridget

T. Walker
Username: twalker
Password: radi0

Terrance Brooks
Username: tbrooks
Password: lauren

William Raborn
Username: wraborn
Password: bromlow

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