free stuff
Are you sick and tired of buying things from shops? if yes then you can beet it. all you have to do is walk in to the store and go to the counter brows the shop if you want to. when your done pull out a gun and drop the person behinde the counter and eney resestance rob the till if you whan to and then take what you want. you have to be quick and get the hell out of there befor the cops arive. ore ur fubar.
it would help to have a get away car out side for a quick smash and grab.
Easy To Miss Achievement
This is a very easy achievement that a lot of people seem to miss.In Chapter 1, when you are going to Joe's apartment, you will see a husband and a wife if front of a car on the sidewalk. The husband is fixing the car and the wife is bitching to her husband about it. Wait a little while so that the husband leaves, then approach the engine of the car and an option to fix the car will come up. Press (X) and Vito will fix the car. This only takes a few seconds and your reward will be 5 Gamerscore.
how to get the help leo out of a tricky situation without being
go through the firt door straight ahead and then turn left and go through that door and go neer the bucket of dirty sheets and press x to get this achivement.
how to get the help leo out of a tricky situation without being
go through the firt door straight ahead and then turn left and go through that door and go neer the bucket of dirty sheets and press x to get this achivement.
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